Ah, the burger quest. Our charge is to find the best burger place in Dallas(and surrounding communities). This will be the second time around for some of us, but it's been awhile. And now there are new burger places and new friends with which to share a burger. But there are rules. It's quite a burden, I know, but required. Mainly it's that only local burger places are eligible. Seems simple enough, but then we must define what is local and what is a burger place. First, local means no national chains are included. There are some local chains, and they are still eligible. Second, a "burger place" is one whose main offering is a burger, or a place whose burger is the thing for which it has become known. Most of the time this is pretty easy to settle. The most obvious tell-tale sign would be that the word burger appears in the name of the place or is prominently featured on the sign.
So, if you would like a built in excuse to have a burger every Saturday around lunchtime, join us. Also, I'm even willing to let our vegetarians friends to be part of this experience. The world needs to know who has good veggie burgers, too. Or at least edible ones, barring that good veggie burgers don't exist. Hopefully starting very soon, each week a new burger place will be posted with the necessary info. If you desire to be apart of this glorious adventure, feel free to drop me and email or post a comment to show your interest. Also, ideas for burger places can be handled the same. Here's to you. Here's the burgers.
Team Chamness said...
when and where? this weekend?
November 18, 2008 at 11:06 AM
Steve Bezner said...
So where's the follow up?
December 11, 2009 at 9:54 AM